DeepLearning Titles

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1Footprint Identification using Deep Learning
2Prediction of Earthquake Induced Landslide Using Deep Learning Models
3Deep learning based automatic maintenance of soft sensors used in wastewater treatment plants.
4An Efficient Helmet Detection for MVD using Deep learning
5A Deep Learning Approach for Road Damage Detection from Smartphone Images
6Classification of Chili Plant Growth using Deep Learning
7Marine target detection based on improved faster R-CNN for navigation radar PPI images
8Smart Restaurant Online Food Ordering System Based Python
9Human Tracking for Children Behavior Analysis in Nursery Schools.
10Real time-Employee Emotion Detection system (RtEED) using Machine Learning
11Low-Cost Eye Gesture Communication System for People with Motor Disabilities
12Vehicle Security and Alert System, Based on Facial Recognition and GPS Location
13AI Vision: Smart speaker design and implementation with object detection custom skill and advanced voice interaction capability
14Automated Detection of Driving Pathway Using Image Processing
15Video Based Drowning Detection System
16Mental Health State Detection Using Open CV and Sentimental Analysis
17Open CV?pattern based smart bank security system with theft & identification
18Predicting Disease by Using Data Mining Based on Healthcare Information System
19Lane Line Detection in Real Time Based on Morphological Operations for Driver Assistance System
20Real Time Object Detection and Tracking Using Deep Learning and OpenCV
21Automatic Fire and Smoke Detection Method for Surveillance Systems Based on Dilated CNNs
22Real-Time Uber Data Analysis of Popular Uber Locations in Kubernetes Environment
23Automated Attendance System Using OpenCV
24Designing and Developing a Chatbot Using Machine Learning
25Image Classification ? Cat and Dog Images
26Voice-Based Gender Identification Using Machine Learning
27Real-Time Driver-Drowsiness Detection System Using Facial Features
28Handwritten Digit Recognition Using CNN
29Show and Tell: A Neural Image Caption Generator
30A Study of Machine Learning Models in Predicting the Intention of Adolescents to Smoke Cigarettes
31Using Artificial Intelligence for Smart Water Management Systems
32Machine Learning based Predicting House Prices using Regression Techniques
33Efficient, High-Quality Image Contour Detection
34An Approach for Prediction of Loan Approval using Machine Learning Algorithm
35Personality Predictions Based on User Behavior on the Facebook Social Media Platform
36Sign Language Recognition Using Deep Learning on Custom Processed Static Gesture Images
37A Systematic Approach to Customer Segmentation and Buyer Targeting for Profit Maximization
38Sentiment Analysis using Machine Learning and Deep Learning
39Enron Case Study: Analysis of Email Behavior Using Email Time
40Speech Emotion Recognition using Deep Learning Techniques: A Review
41An Automatically Learning and Discovering Human Fishing Behaviors Scheme for CPSCN
42Online Shopping Recommender System Using Hybrid Method
43Automatic Music Genre Classification using Convolution Neural Network
44Real-Time Uber Data Analysis of Popular Uber Locations in Kubernetes Environment
45Spam Classification based on Supervised Learning using Machine Learning Techniques
46Bitcoin Price Prediction using Machine Learning
47Fake News Detection Using Machine Learning approaches: A systematic Review
48Lane Line Detection in Real Time Based on Morphological Operations for Driver Assistance System
49Image processing and artificial neural network for counting people inside public transport
50Real Time Object Detection and Tracking Using Deep Learning and OpenCV
51Automatic Fire and Smoke Detection Method for Surveillance Systems Based on Dilated CNNs
52Social Distancing Detection Using Computer Vision
53A Machine Learning Based Approach for Detection of Alzheimer?s Disease Using Analysis of Hippocampus Region from MRI Scan
54Bird Species Identification using Deep Learning on GPU platform
55Automatic Fruit Recognition Based on DCNN for Commercial Source Trace System
56Parkinson Disease Detection Using Deep Neural Networks
57Machine Learning based Rainfall Prediction
58Image processing-based Tracking and Counting Vehicles
59Melanoma Detection Using Convolutional Neural Network
60Prediction of Heart Disease using Machine Learning Algorithms
61Malaria Detection using Deep Learning
62Rice Leaf Diseases Classification Using CNN With Transfer Learning
63Tomato Leaf Disease Identification by Restructured Deep Residual Dense Network
64License Plate Detection Methods Based on OpenCV
65A Lightweight Convolutional Neural Network for Real-Time Facial Expression Detection
66Diabetes Prediction using Machine Learning Algorithms
67Chronic Kidney Disease Stage Identification in HIV Infected Patients using Machine Learning
68Spoofing Attack Detection by Anomaly Detection
69Detection of Liver Cancer using Image Processing Techniques
70Medical Imaging using Machine Learning and Deep Learning Algorithms
71Lung and Pancreatic Tumor Characterization in the Deep Learning Era: Novel Supervised and Unsupervised Learning Approaches
72Machine-Learning Approach Based Gamma Distribution for Brian Abnormalities Detection and Data Sample Imbalance Analysis
73An Audio Classification Approach Based on Machine Learning
74Stock Market Analysis using Supervised Machine Learning
75Improving Wireless Network Security Based On Radio Fingerprinting
76Real-time Credit Card Fraud Detection Using Machine Learning
77Packet-based Network Traffic Classification Using Deep Learning
78Comparison of Machine Learning Methods for Breast Cancer Diagnosis
79Agriculture Automation using Deep Learning Methods Implemented using Kera?s
80Ensemble?Deep Learning model for wind speed prediction
81Deep Learning to distinguish COVID-19 from other lung infections, pleural diseases, and lung tumors
82Deep Learning -based Automated Delineation of Head and Neck Malignant Lesions from PET Images
83Deep Learning Based Smart Garbage Monitoring System
84Early Diagnosis of Parkinson?s Disease in brain MRI using?Deep Learning?Algorithm
85Research of Deep Learning on Gastric Cancer Diagnosis
86Crop Disease Detection Using Deep Learning
87Deep Learning Short-Term Traffic Flow Prediction Based on Lane Changing Behavior Recognition
88A Hybrid Model for the Classification of Sunflower Diseases Using?Deep Learning
89Target detection of banana string and fruit stalk based on YOLOv3 deep learning network
90A Deep Learning Facial Expression Recognition based Scoring System for Restaurants
91Comparative Study Of Deep Learning Algorithms For Disease And Pest Detection In Rice Crops
92A Deep Learning Based Wearable Medicines Recognition System for Visually Impaired People
93 Assessment of Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Automated Remote Classification of Cardiac Arrhythmia using Instantaneous Heart Rates
94A Pseudo Lesion Generation Method for Deep Learning Based Chest X-Ray Lung Disease Detection
95Research and Design of Smart Home Speech Recognition System Based on Deep Learning
96Deep Analysis of Dementia Disorder Using Artificial Intelligence to Improve Healthcare Service
97A Review of Artificial Intelligence?s Neural Networks (Deep Learning) Applications in Medical Diagnosis and Prediction
98Automatic Traffic Sign Recognition?AI-Deep Learning?Algorithm
99Bigdata Enabled Realtime Crowd Surveillance Using Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning
100A case study of industrial data analysis: Gearbox Temperature prediction of wind turbines using ensemble?Deep Learning?regression
101Using Deep Learning Algorithms in Chest X-ray Image COVID-19 Diagnosis
102Deep Learning Based Object Detection and Recognition of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles