1 | IoT based smart crop-field monitoring and automation irrigation system. |
2 | A smart system for face detection with spatial correlation improvement in IoT environment. |
3 | Thermo electric generator module in driving the vehicle and monitoring using IoT. |
4 | IOT Theft Detection Using Raspberry Pi. |
5 | IOT Based Toll Booth Manager System. |
6 | IOT Heart Attack Detection & Heart Rate Monitor. |
7 | IOT Patient Health Monitoring Project. |
8 | IOT Based Person/Wheelchair Fall Detection. |
9 | Energy Meter Monitoring Over IOT. |
10 | IOT Air & Sound Pollution Monitoring System. |
11 | IOT Underground Cable Fault Detector Project. |
12 | IOT Industry Automation Using Raspberry Pi. |
13 | IOT Traffic Signal Monitoring & Controller System. |
14 | Automatic street light control system using wireless sensor networks. |
15 | IoT Based Street Lighting and Traffic Management System. |
16 | Monitoring of Solar Panel Based On IOT. |
17 | IOT Based Smart Emergency Alerting System. |
18 | IoT Based Automatic Fire Detection and Precautionary System. |
19 | IOT Based Fire Department Alerting with Using Arduino. |
20 | Forest Fire Alerting System with GPS Co-ordinates Using IoT. |
21 | IoT-based Fire Alerting Smart System |
22 | IoT Based Antenna Positioning System. |
23 | IoT Based Mechanized Industrial Automation Robot. |
24 | A Low-Cost Industrial Automation System Using IoT and Cloud Computing. |
25 | Design & Implementation of IoT Based Industrial Automation Syste. |
26 | Real Time Room Automation Using Iot Device. |
27 | IOT Based Smart Voice and App Controlled Office Automation. |
28 | Design and Implementation of Smart Office Automation System. |
29 | Automatic Office Environment System for Employees Using IoT and Computer Vision. |
30 | Internet of things-based office automation system using android. |
31 | Intelligent System for Office Environment Using Internet of Things. |
32 | IOT based water level and quality monitoring system in overhead tanks. |
33 | Water Quality Monitoring with Internet of Things (IoT). |
34 | Water Level Monitoring and Management of Dams using IoT. |
35 | An integrated IoT-based liquor and health monitoring system |
36 | Health Monitoring with Alcohol Detection and Control System Based on IoT. |
37 | IoT-Based Health Monitoring System Development and Analysis. |
38 | Smart-Home Automation using IoT-based Sensing and Monitoring Platform. |
39 | IOT Based Home Automation by Using Personal Assistant. |
40 | IoT Based Web Controlled Multiple Home Automation and Monitoring with Raspberry Pi. |
41 | Design and Development of IOT based Smart Door Lock System. |
42 | IoT Enhanced Smart Door Locking System. |
43 | IoT Based Irrigation Remote Real-Time Monitoring and Controlling Systems. |
44 | IoT based control and automation of smart irrigation system: An automated irrigation system using sensors, GSM, Bluetooth and cloud technology. |
45 | Mobile Integrated Smart Irrigation System Using IoT. |
46 | IoT based Irrigation and Water Logging monitoring system using Arduino and Cloud Computing. |
47 | IoT Smart Irrigation Monitoring and Controlling System Using Arduino Microcontroller. |
48 | IoT Based Smart Irrigation Tracking and Management System Using Arduino UNO Microcontroller. |
49 | IoT Based Smart Irrigation Monitoring and Controlling System. |
50 | An Intelligent Gas Leakage Detector with Smart Alert and Prediction Using IoT. |
51 | Autonomous Robot for Gas Pipeline Inspection and Leak Detection. |
52 | Wi-Fi Based Gas Pipe Leakage Detector Insect Robot using Raspberry PI |
53 | Under Pipe, Traveling Robot to Detect Gas Line Leakage and Address Navigation to Cloud over IOT. |
54 | A Robotic Platform to Identify Gas Pipe Leakage Using IOT |
55 | Iot Base Gas Pipe Leakage Detection System Using Insect Robot. |
56 | IoT based Automatic Attendance Management System. |
57 | IOT Based Biometric Attendance System. |
58 | Development of an IoT Based Health Monitoring System for e-Health. |
59 | IoT based Health Care Monitoring Kit. |
60 | IOT Based ICU Patient Health Monitoring System. |
61 | A Smart Asset Tracking System with IoT for Women and Child Safety Applications. |
62 | An IoT Garbage Monitoring System for Effective Garbage Management. |
63 | IOT Garbage Monitoring System with Weight Sensing. |
64 | IOT-Based Intelligent Assistant Mirror for Smart Life & Daily Routine Using Raspberry PI. |
65 | IOT Based Smart Mirror with News and Temperature. |
66 | A Smart-Dustbin and Integration of Waste Management System using IoT. |
67 | Smart Dustbin monitoring and alert system using IOT. |
68 | Smart Waste Collection Monitoring and Alert System via IoT. |
69 | IoT based Smart Dustbin for Waste Management. |
70 | IOT Based Smart Dustbin Monitoring with Tracking System Using AT-Mega 2560 Microcontroller |
71 | IoT based Integrated Health Care Monitoring System. |
72 | Automated Paralysis Patient Health Care & Monitoring System. |
73 | Automated Paralysis Patient Monitoring System using IOT. |
74 | IoT based Patient Monitoring System using TCP/IP Protocol. |
75 | IOT Smart Energy Grid. |
76 | IoT-based Smart Grid System Design for Smart Home. |
77 | IOT Color Based Product Sorting Machine. |
78 | Development Of An Internet Of Things(IOT) Based Industrial Security And Safety System Using Arduino. |
79 | Iot Based Petroleum Industry Protection System. |
80 | IOT Industry Protection Using Arduino. |
81 | Review on IOT Based Energy Meter with Current, Voltage and Cost Monitoring System. |
82 | IoT Based Energy Meter with Measure Current, Voltage and Cost Monitoring. |
83 | Voltage, Current and Cost Monitoring of Energy Meter by IOT. |
84 | IoT-Based Air Quality and Sound Intensity Monitoring System using Raspberry Pi. |
85 | A Real-Time Noise Monitoring System Based on Internet of Things for Enhanced Acoustic Comfort and Occupational Health. |
86 | IoT Based Air and Noise Pollution Monitoring System. |
87 | A Raspberry Pi Controlled Cloud Based Air and Sound Pollution Monitoring System with Temperature and Humidity Sensing. |
88 | IoT Based Prison Break Monitoring and Alerting System Using RF. |
89 | IOT Prison Break Monitoring and Alerting System. |
90 | Prison Break Monitoring and Alerting System Using IOT. |
91 | An Automated System for Identification of Fire and Behavior of Prisoners Through Posture Using IOT. |
92 | Design of IoT based flood monitoring and alerting system. |
93 | Implementation of Flood Warning System using IoT. |
94 | IOT Based Mines Safety Helmet with Multiple Safety Feature. |
95 | IoT Based Safety and Health Monitoring for Construction Workers. |
96 | IOT Mining Tracking & Worker Safety Helmet. |
97 | IoT based wearable device using WSN technology for miners. |
98 | IOT Based Smart Night Patrolling Robot. |
99 | Women safety night patrolling Iot robot. |
100 | Women Safety Night Patrolling Robot. |
101 | Design of IOT Based Protection System for Distribution Breakers Using Arduino. |
102 | Solid-State Circuit Breaker based Smart Distribution Board with IoT Integration. |
103 | IoT based Waste Collection Management System for Smart Cities. |
104 | Smart Garbage Monitoring System using Internet of Things(IoT). |
105 | Design of A Monitoring System for Waste Management Using IoT. |
106 | IoT Based Early Flood Detection and Alerting System. |
107 | Implementation of early flood detection and avoidance system using Lora. |
108 | IOT Based Monitoring System for Comatose Patients. |
109 | Coma Patient Health Monitoring System Using IOT. |
110 | Raspberry Pi Based Weather Reporting over IoT. |
111 | Enhancing Residential Security: Implementation of an IoT-based Anti-Theft Flooring System. |
112 | Iot based anti-theft flooring mat system using raspberry pi. |
113 | IoT Based Wearable Monitoring structure for detecting Abnormal Heart. |
114 | Minimum System Design of The IoT-Based ECG Monitoring. |
115 | IoT-based Portable ECG Monitoring System for Smart Healthcare. |
116 | IOT Based Coal Mine Safety Monitoring and Alerting System. |
117 | IOT Based Greenhouse Monitoring and Controlling System. |
118 | Green house monitoring and control system using Iot. |
119 | IoT Based Automated Greenhouse Monitoring System. |
120 | Design and Prototype Development of Internet of Things for Greenhouse Monitoring System. |
121 | IOT Based Greenhouse Environment Monitoring and Controlling System using Arduino Platform. |
122 | IOT based LPG Gas Leakage Detection & Alert using GSM. |
123 | Gas Leakage Detection System with Alarming System. |
124 | Implementation and design gas leakage detection system using ATMega8 microcontroller. |
125 | A Novel IoT based Accident Detection and Rescue System. |
126 | IOT based Smart Agriculture Monitoring System. |
127 | IOT Based Temperature and Mask Scan Entry System. |
128 | Smart Garbage Segregator Using Iot. |
129 | IoT Based Garbage Monitoring System using ultrasonic sensor. |
130 | An Internet of Things Based Smart Waste Management System Using LoRa and Tensor-flow Deep Learning Model. |
131 | Design and Development of Innovative Pet Feeding Robot. |
132 | Design and Implement of IoT-Based Pet Food Feeder Robot. |
133 | Iot Based Dog Day-Care Robot. |
134 | A Gas Leakage Detector Using Iot. |
135 | IoT based gas leakage system using Arduino. |
136 | IoT Based Three Phase Power Monitoring and Failure Using SMS Alerts. |
137 | IoT based Three Phase Power fault monitoring with SMS alerts. |
138 | A Mid-Air Word gesture and Voice Alert System for physically challenged using Machine Learning. |
139 | An Implementation of IoT-Based Weather Monitoring System. |
140 | Efficient IoT based Weather Station. |
141 | IOT Based Virtual Doctor Robot for Non-Contact Treatment of Patients and Remote Medication. |
142 | IOT Based Virtual Doctor Robot. |
143 | Iot based smart energy meter monitoring, theft detection and disconnection. |
144 | Iot based smart energy meter monitoring with theft detection. |
145 | Internet of Things Enabled Power Theft Detection and Smart Meter Monitoring System. |
146 | IOT based Manhole Detection and Monitoring System. |
147 | IoT based Covid Patient health monitor during self-quarantine. |
148 | Iot Social Distancing & Monitoring Robot for Queue. |
149 | Artificial Intelligence based Contactless COVID-19 Testing Centre Automation. |
150 | Iot instant contactless covid Testing booth automation. |
151 | Development of a Syringe Infusion Pump. |
152 | Iot based low cost syringe pump for telemedicine and health care. |
153 | Rfid Based Automatic Car Parking System Using Iot. |
154 | IoT based Smart Parking System. |
155 | IOT Based Smart Vehicle Parking System Using RFID. |
156 | IoT Based Contactless Doorbell System. |
157 | WSN Based Mountain Climber Health & GPS Tracker. |
158 | Iot Based Water Quality Monitoring System Using RC Boat. |
159 | IOT Based IV Bag Monitoring, Controlling and Alerting System. |
160 | Iv Bag Monitoring with Patient Monitoring System Using Iot. |
161 | Wearable temperature sensor for human body temperature detection. |
162 | Iot Based Weather Station Using Raspberry Pi. |
163 | An IoT Based Smart Farming System Using Machine Learning. |
164 | Iot based automatic forest fire detection based on machine learning approach. |
165 | Automatic Battery Health Analysis and Monitoring using with Arduino Controller to Check on IoT. |
166 | Li-Ion Batteries Releasable Capacity Estimation with Neural Networks on Intelligent IoT Microcontrollers. |
167 | IoT-Based Battery Monitoring System for Electric Vehicle. |
168 | Battery Management System Using State of Charge Estimation: An IOT Based Approach. |
169 | Development of an IoT System with Smart Charging Current Control for Electric Vehicles. |
170 | Wireless Power Transfer for Internet of Things. |
171 | Sustainable energy management using the Internet of Things (IoT). |
172 | IoT Based Energy Management Solution for Smart Green Buildings. |
173 | Low Cost Lora based Network for Forest Fire Detection. |
174 | Design and Implementation of IoT Based Wireless Battery Management System for Electric Vehicles. |
175 | IoT Based Intelligent Smart Controller for Electric Vehicles. |
176 | The Internet of Things Infrastructure for Wireless Power Transfer Systems. |
177 | Renewable Energy Integration into Cloud & IOT-Based Smart Agriculture. |
178 | IOT-Based Drone for Improvement of Crop Quality in Agricultural Field. |
179 | IoT-Based Energy Efficiency in Smart Homes by Smart Lighting Solutions. |
180 | An IoT-based physical stress monitoring framework for athletes. |
181 | Design and Development of Smart Waste Management System using IOT. |
182 | IoT Based Smart Waste Monitoring and Management System. |
183 | Sensing, Controlling, and IoT Infrastructure in Smart Building. |
184 | An Effective Home Energy Management System Considering Solar PV Generation. |
185 | A Smart IoT Security System for Smart-Home Using Motion Detection and Facial Recognition. |
186 | IoT Application Development: Home Security System. |
187 | An Innovative Smart Health Care System by Using Internet of Things (IOT). |
188 | Smart Supply Chain Management using Internet of Things(IoT) and Low power Wireless Communication Systems. |
189 | IOT based Smart Environment Monitoring Systems: A Key to Smart and Clean Urban Living Spaces. |
190 | An Integrated Approach to Predictive Maintenance Using Iot And Machine Learning in Manufacturing. |
191 | Machine learning and IoT ? Based predictive maintenance approach for industrial applications. |
192 | A Smart IoT-Based Home Automation System for Controlling and Monitoring Home Appliances. |
193 | An IoT Enabled Smart Wheelchair Solution for Physically Challenged People. |
194 | IoT Based Smart Wheelchair for Disabled People. |
195 | Weather Monitoring System using Internet of Things. |
196 | IoT based Air and Sound Pollution Monitoring System for Smart Environment. |
197 | The Development of Air Quality Monitoring System using IoT and LPWAN. |
198 | An IoT Based Air Pollution Monitoring System for Smart Cities. |
199 | Air Quality Monitoring Systems using IoT. |
200 | IoT developed Wi-Fi Controlled Rover with Robotic Arm Using NodeMCU. |