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1IoT based smart crop-field monitoring and automation irrigation system.
2A smart system for face detection with spatial correlation improvement in IoT environment.
3Thermo electric generator module in driving the vehicle and monitoring using IoT.
4IOT Theft Detection Using Raspberry Pi.
5IOT Based Toll Booth Manager System.
6IOT Heart Attack Detection & Heart Rate Monitor.
7IOT Patient Health Monitoring Project.
8IOT Based Person/Wheelchair Fall Detection.
9Energy Meter Monitoring Over IOT.
10IOT Air & Sound Pollution Monitoring System.
11IOT Underground Cable Fault Detector Project.
12IOT Industry Automation Using Raspberry Pi.
13IOT Traffic Signal Monitoring & Controller System.
14Automatic street light control system using wireless sensor networks.
15IoT Based Street Lighting and Traffic Management System.
16Monitoring of Solar Panel Based On IOT.
17IOT Based Smart Emergency Alerting System.
18IoT Based Automatic Fire Detection and Precautionary System.
19IOT Based Fire Department Alerting with Using Arduino.
20Forest Fire Alerting System with GPS Co-ordinates Using IoT.
21IoT-based Fire Alerting Smart System
22IoT Based Antenna Positioning System.
23IoT Based Mechanized Industrial Automation Robot.
24A Low-Cost Industrial Automation System Using IoT and Cloud Computing.
25Design & Implementation of IoT Based Industrial Automation Syste.
26Real Time Room Automation Using Iot Device.
27IOT Based Smart Voice and App Controlled Office Automation.
28Design and Implementation of Smart Office Automation System.
29Automatic Office Environment System for Employees Using IoT and Computer Vision.
30Internet of things-based office automation system using android.
31Intelligent System for Office Environment Using Internet of Things.
32IOT based water level and quality monitoring system in overhead tanks.
33Water Quality Monitoring with Internet of Things (IoT).
34Water Level Monitoring and Management of Dams using IoT.
35An integrated IoT-based liquor and health monitoring system
36Health Monitoring with Alcohol Detection and Control System Based on IoT.
37IoT-Based Health Monitoring System Development and Analysis.
38Smart-Home Automation using IoT-based Sensing and Monitoring Platform.
39IOT Based Home Automation by Using Personal Assistant.
40IoT Based Web Controlled Multiple Home Automation and Monitoring with Raspberry Pi.
41Design and Development of IOT based Smart Door Lock System.
42IoT Enhanced Smart Door Locking System.
43IoT Based Irrigation Remote Real-Time Monitoring and Controlling Systems.
44IoT based control and automation of smart irrigation system: An automated irrigation system using sensors, GSM, Bluetooth and cloud technology.
45Mobile Integrated Smart Irrigation System Using IoT.
46IoT based Irrigation and Water Logging monitoring system using Arduino and Cloud Computing.
47IoT Smart Irrigation Monitoring and Controlling System Using Arduino Microcontroller.
48IoT Based Smart Irrigation Tracking and Management System Using Arduino UNO Microcontroller.
49IoT Based Smart Irrigation Monitoring and Controlling System.
50An Intelligent Gas Leakage Detector with Smart Alert and Prediction Using IoT.
51Autonomous Robot for Gas Pipeline Inspection and Leak Detection.
52Wi-Fi Based Gas Pipe Leakage Detector Insect Robot using Raspberry PI
53Under Pipe, Traveling Robot to Detect Gas Line Leakage and Address Navigation to Cloud over IOT.
54A Robotic Platform to Identify Gas Pipe Leakage Using IOT
55Iot Base Gas Pipe Leakage Detection System Using Insect Robot.
56IoT based Automatic Attendance Management System.
57IOT Based Biometric Attendance System.
58Development of an IoT Based Health Monitoring System for e-Health.
59IoT based Health Care Monitoring Kit.
60IOT Based ICU Patient Health Monitoring System.
61A Smart Asset Tracking System with IoT for Women and Child Safety Applications.
62An IoT Garbage Monitoring System for Effective Garbage Management.
63IOT Garbage Monitoring System with Weight Sensing.
64IOT-Based Intelligent Assistant Mirror for Smart Life & Daily Routine Using Raspberry PI.
65IOT Based Smart Mirror with News and Temperature.
66A Smart-Dustbin and Integration of Waste Management System using IoT.
67Smart Dustbin monitoring and alert system using IOT.
68Smart Waste Collection Monitoring and Alert System via IoT.
69IoT based Smart Dustbin for Waste Management.
70IOT Based Smart Dustbin Monitoring with Tracking System Using AT-Mega 2560 Microcontroller
71IoT based Integrated Health Care Monitoring System.
72Automated Paralysis Patient Health Care & Monitoring System.
73Automated Paralysis Patient Monitoring System using IOT.
74IoT based Patient Monitoring System using TCP/IP Protocol.
75IOT Smart Energy Grid.
76IoT-based Smart Grid System Design for Smart Home.
77IOT Color Based Product Sorting Machine.
78Development Of An Internet Of Things(IOT) Based Industrial Security And Safety System Using Arduino.
79Iot Based Petroleum Industry Protection System.
80IOT Industry Protection Using Arduino.
81Review on IOT Based Energy Meter with Current, Voltage and Cost Monitoring System.
82IoT Based Energy Meter with Measure Current, Voltage and Cost Monitoring.
83Voltage, Current and Cost Monitoring of Energy Meter by IOT.
84IoT-Based Air Quality and Sound Intensity Monitoring System using Raspberry Pi.
85A Real-Time Noise Monitoring System Based on Internet of Things for Enhanced Acoustic Comfort and Occupational Health.
86IoT Based Air and Noise Pollution Monitoring System.
87A Raspberry Pi Controlled Cloud Based Air and Sound Pollution Monitoring System with Temperature and Humidity Sensing.
88IoT Based Prison Break Monitoring and Alerting System Using RF.
89IOT Prison Break Monitoring and Alerting System.
90Prison Break Monitoring and Alerting System Using IOT.
91An Automated System for Identification of Fire and Behavior of Prisoners Through Posture Using IOT.
92Design of IoT based flood monitoring and alerting system.
93Implementation of Flood Warning System using IoT.
94IOT Based Mines Safety Helmet with Multiple Safety Feature.
95IoT Based Safety and Health Monitoring for Construction Workers.
96IOT Mining Tracking & Worker Safety Helmet.
97IoT based wearable device using WSN technology for miners.
98IOT Based Smart Night Patrolling Robot.
99Women safety night patrolling Iot robot.
100Women Safety Night Patrolling Robot.
101Design of IOT Based Protection System for Distribution Breakers Using Arduino.
102Solid-State Circuit Breaker based Smart Distribution Board with IoT Integration.
103IoT based Waste Collection Management System for Smart Cities.
104Smart Garbage Monitoring System using Internet of Things(IoT).
105Design of A Monitoring System for Waste Management Using IoT.
106IoT Based Early Flood Detection and Alerting System.
107Implementation of early flood detection and avoidance system using Lora.
108IOT Based Monitoring System for Comatose Patients.
109Coma Patient Health Monitoring System Using IOT.
110Raspberry Pi Based Weather Reporting over IoT.
111Enhancing Residential Security: Implementation of an IoT-based Anti-Theft Flooring System.
112Iot based anti-theft flooring mat system using raspberry pi.
113IoT Based Wearable Monitoring structure for detecting Abnormal Heart.
114Minimum System Design of The IoT-Based ECG Monitoring.
115IoT-based Portable ECG Monitoring System for Smart Healthcare.
116IOT Based Coal Mine Safety Monitoring and Alerting System.
117IOT Based Greenhouse Monitoring and Controlling System.
118Green house monitoring and control system using Iot.
119IoT Based Automated Greenhouse Monitoring System.
120Design and Prototype Development of Internet of Things for Greenhouse Monitoring System.
121IOT Based Greenhouse Environment Monitoring and Controlling System using Arduino Platform.
122IOT based LPG Gas Leakage Detection & Alert using GSM.
123Gas Leakage Detection System with Alarming System.
124Implementation and design gas leakage detection system using ATMega8 microcontroller.
125A Novel IoT based Accident Detection and Rescue System.
126IOT based Smart Agriculture Monitoring System.
127IOT Based Temperature and Mask Scan Entry System.
128Smart Garbage Segregator Using Iot.
129IoT Based Garbage Monitoring System using ultrasonic sensor.
130An Internet of Things Based Smart Waste Management System Using LoRa and Tensor-flow Deep Learning Model.
131Design and Development of Innovative Pet Feeding Robot.
132Design and Implement of IoT-Based Pet Food Feeder Robot.
133Iot Based Dog Day-Care Robot.
134A Gas Leakage Detector Using Iot.
135IoT based gas leakage system using Arduino.
136IoT Based Three Phase Power Monitoring and Failure Using SMS Alerts.
137IoT based Three Phase Power fault monitoring with SMS alerts.
138A Mid-Air Word gesture and Voice Alert System for physically challenged using Machine Learning.
139An Implementation of IoT-Based Weather Monitoring System.
140Efficient IoT based Weather Station.
141IOT Based Virtual Doctor Robot for Non-Contact Treatment of Patients and Remote Medication.
142IOT Based Virtual Doctor Robot.
143Iot based smart energy meter monitoring, theft detection and disconnection.
144Iot based smart energy meter monitoring with theft detection.
145Internet of Things Enabled Power Theft Detection and Smart Meter Monitoring System.
146IOT based Manhole Detection and Monitoring System.
147IoT based Covid Patient health monitor during self-quarantine.
148Iot Social Distancing & Monitoring Robot for Queue.
149Artificial Intelligence based Contactless COVID-19 Testing Centre Automation.
150Iot instant contactless covid Testing booth automation.
151Development of a Syringe Infusion Pump.
152Iot based low cost syringe pump for telemedicine and health care.
153Rfid Based Automatic Car Parking System Using Iot.
154IoT based Smart Parking System.
155IOT Based Smart Vehicle Parking System Using RFID.
156IoT Based Contactless Doorbell System.
157WSN Based Mountain Climber Health & GPS Tracker.
158Iot Based Water Quality Monitoring System Using RC Boat.
159IOT Based IV Bag Monitoring, Controlling and Alerting System.
160Iv Bag Monitoring with Patient Monitoring System Using Iot.
161Wearable temperature sensor for human body temperature detection.
162Iot Based Weather Station Using Raspberry Pi.
163An IoT Based Smart Farming System Using Machine Learning.
164Iot based automatic forest fire detection based on machine learning approach.
165Automatic Battery Health Analysis and Monitoring using with Arduino Controller to Check on IoT.
166Li-Ion Batteries Releasable Capacity Estimation with Neural Networks on Intelligent IoT Microcontrollers.
167IoT-Based Battery Monitoring System for Electric Vehicle.
168Battery Management System Using State of Charge Estimation: An IOT Based Approach.
169Development of an IoT System with Smart Charging Current Control for Electric Vehicles.
170Wireless Power Transfer for Internet of Things.
171Sustainable energy management using the Internet of Things (IoT).
172IoT Based Energy Management Solution for Smart Green Buildings.
173Low Cost Lora based Network for Forest Fire Detection.
174Design and Implementation of IoT Based Wireless Battery Management System for Electric Vehicles.
175IoT Based Intelligent Smart Controller for Electric Vehicles.
176The Internet of Things Infrastructure for Wireless Power Transfer Systems.
177Renewable Energy Integration into Cloud & IOT-Based Smart Agriculture.
178IOT-Based Drone for Improvement of Crop Quality in Agricultural Field.
179IoT-Based Energy Efficiency in Smart Homes by Smart Lighting Solutions.
180An IoT-based physical stress monitoring framework for athletes.
181Design and Development of Smart Waste Management System using IOT.
182IoT Based Smart Waste Monitoring and Management System.
183Sensing, Controlling, and IoT Infrastructure in Smart Building.
184An Effective Home Energy Management System Considering Solar PV Generation.
185A Smart IoT Security System for Smart-Home Using Motion Detection and Facial Recognition.
186IoT Application Development: Home Security System.
187An Innovative Smart Health Care System by Using Internet of Things (IOT).
188Smart Supply Chain Management using Internet of Things(IoT) and Low power Wireless Communication Systems.
189IOT based Smart Environment Monitoring Systems: A Key to Smart and Clean Urban Living Spaces.
190An Integrated Approach to Predictive Maintenance Using Iot And Machine Learning in Manufacturing.
191Machine learning and IoT ? Based predictive maintenance approach for industrial applications.
192A Smart IoT-Based Home Automation System for Controlling and Monitoring Home Appliances.
193An IoT Enabled Smart Wheelchair Solution for Physically Challenged People.
194IoT Based Smart Wheelchair for Disabled People.
195Weather Monitoring System using Internet of Things.
196IoT based Air and Sound Pollution Monitoring System for Smart Environment.
197The Development of Air Quality Monitoring System using IoT and LPWAN.
198An IoT Based Air Pollution Monitoring System for Smart Cities.
199Air Quality Monitoring Systems using IoT.
200IoT developed Wi-Fi Controlled Rover with Robotic Arm Using NodeMCU.